July 6th

A foggy start to our travel required a few blasts of our horn and using the radar, as of course everyone was on its boat this morning fishing..right in the middle of the channel.

The fog cleared up after we turned eastward from the Jones Inlet. We had to bring down our antenna to go under only one bridge so far.

We proceeded to Zach's bay near the concert pavillion at Jones Beach State Park. We took the dinghy out and walked via the parkway underpass to the Ocean side beach. The waves were too rough to swim far, but it was very refreshing to splash even a few yards out.

There is a concert tonight but where we are the music is not bothersome. We hear more the road traffic, something that we were not expecting, but it seems like the parkway is used by more than the beach goers...we will see how it affects our sleep...or should I say my sleep as Harvey can sleep through everything.